Numerical Study on Composite Multilayer Insulation Material for Liquid Hydrogen Storage

This study investigated the heat transfer characteristics of composite multilayer insulation (MLI) materials used for the storage and transport of liquid hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures. This research focused on analyzing the effects of thermal boundary temperature, total layer count, and vacuum level on the heat flux through the insulation material. Based on the layer-by-layer model, a heat transfer model of composite MLI was constructed. This research introduces a novel method for analyzing the heat transfer properties of composite MLI in the liquid hydrogen temperature range. Results indicate that heat flux increases with higher thermal boundary temperatures, with the MLI layers near the cold boundary playing a critical role in overall insulation performance. Additionally, numerical analysis was conducted to examine the impact of different material combinations and variations in vacuum level on heat transfer characteristics. Findings reveal that adding spray-on foam insulation reduces heat flux by 20.76% compared to using MLI alone. Furthermore, increasing the total number of MLI layers effectively mitigates heat flux increase, achieving an optimal heat flux of 0.5377 W/m2 with a total of 50 layers.

» Author: Yi Ding

» Reference: doi: 10.3390/coatings14111417

» Publication Date: 08/11/2024

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


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