Silk Proteins: Designs from Nature with Multipurpose Utility and Infinite Future Possibilities

Complex evolutionary pressures result in unique protein fiber designs for silks. This includes multi?domain features and novel amino acid content that accommodate aqueous processing environments with remarkable functional properties. Bioengineering approaches inform new material formats and functions realized with silks. These design features provide a blueprint for future polymer designs with robust functions and sustainability as guideposts.This is a Perspective on nature as a story?teller, where inputs of evolution drove the remarkable protein designs found in silks. This selection process has resulted in silk materials with novel chemistry and properties to support organism survival in nature, yet with newfound utility in everything from comic books and automobiles to medicine. With growing global concerns related to environmental health, silks also serve as an invaluable instructional guide to the future of sustainable material designs.

» Publication Date: 29/10/2024

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


AIMPLAS, Plastics Technology Centre

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