Mechanism of Wind and Buoyancy Driving on Ventilation and Pollutant Transport in an Idealized Urban Street Canyon

The mechanisms underlying the effects of wind and buoyancy on ventilation in urban street canyons are unclear. This study investigated the effects of facade heating on ventilation and pollutant transport in an idealized street canyon with a 1.67 aspect ratio through computational fluid dynamics simulations. The dispersion pattern of discharged hot pollutants was also studied. A primary recirculation was observed when facade heating was not applied; this recirculation was promoted in leeward-wall and ground heating cases. However, the recirculation was bifurcated into two recirculations in windward-wall heating cases, restricting ventilation. Enhanced recirculation increased the ventilation and decreased the pollution level; by contrast, air pollution increased considerably when the recirculation was bifurcated and ventilation was restricted. In the hot-pollutant case, similar results to those in the ground-heating case were observed. The hot discharged pollutant enhanced ventilation, reducing pollution. The pollutant transport mechanism was determined through an analysis of pollutant fluxes. For the one-recirculation pattern, air convection transported the pollutant from the ground level to the top boundary, and turbulent diffusion then caused pollutant removal. For the two-recirculation pattern, turbulent diffusion contributed substantially to pollutant transport both in the junction between the recirculations and through the top boundary of the street canyon.

» Author: Guoyi Jiang

» Reference: doi: 10.3390/buildings14103168

» Publication Date: 05/10/2024

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


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