Concentration Fluctuations in Steel Mill Gases: Analytics as Key to Develop Steel Off?Gas Purification

Steel production process gases are a viable option to synthesize methanol, urea, and other chemicals, the main goal of the Carbon2Chem® project. Proton transfer reaction?mass spectrometry combined with gas chromatography was used for gas analysis, to optimize the gas purification process for downstream processes.The Carbon2Chem® project utilizes steel production gases to synthesize methanol, urea, and other commodity chemicals. The complex process involves CO2 capture and hydrogen production and synthesis, requiring precise analysis due to the diverse components in steel mill flue gases. As some of these components could harm the employed catalysts, the analytics needs to ensure the quality of the purification unit and enhance the understanding of transportation effects and performance in gas cleaning and methanol synthesis. An already established method, proton transfer reaction?mass spectrometry (PTR?MS), was employed to assess the gas quality.

» Publication Date: 17/07/2024

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


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