Artificial neural network modeling for predicting the carbon black content derived from unserviceable tires for elastomeric composite production

Diagram of CF sizing and curing with resin matrix.AbstractWith the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, there is a growing focus on the synthesis of water?solvent self?emulsifying sizing agents. In this study, five types of anionic polyester sizing agents with varying molecular weights were synthesized to explore the effect of molecular weight on the interfacial bonding strength of carbon fiber (CF) reinforced vinyl resin composites. The results demonstrated that the molecular weights of the synthesized sizing agents were precise; the particles in the sizing agents were nanometer?sized, monodisperse, and exhibited high thermal stability. When the molecular weight was 8000, it exhibited optimal wettability for CF, leading to a substantial improvement in the interlaminar shear strength, reaching 71.8?MPa, which represents a significant increase of 22.7% compared with commercial CFs (CFF). Additionally, the interfacial shear strength was maximized at 13.23?MPa, which was significantly increased by 14.2% compared with CCF. These significant improvements in surface properties and mechanical performance were attributed to the excellent wettability of the CF surface, effective spreading performance of the sizing agent, the presence of double bonds in the sizing agent facilitating reactions with free radicals on the CF surface, and the residual double bonds further undergoing curing with the vinyl resin, promoting the reinforcement of interface bonding.

» Publication Date: 03/07/2024

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


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