Thermoplastic Composites in Automotive Parts and Structures

This webinar will provide an assessment of the current state of thermoplastic composites use in parts and structures for medium- and high-volume automotive manufacturing. It will review the specific types of thermoplastic composites being used, the manufacturing processes best suited to the market, and challenges that thermoplastic composites must overcome to achieve wider use. Emphasis will be on design tools, established and emerging materials, and manufacturing processes being employed. 

Attendees Will Learn: 
• How thermoplastic composites are currently applied 
• How materials and processes are being adapted for high-volume manufacturing 
• How design challenges are being addressed by stakeholders 

• Jeff Sloan, Editor-in-Chief, CompositesWorld 
• Ginger Gardiner, Senior Editor, CompositesWorld 
• Mike Favaloro, President and CEO, CompositeTechs

» Start Date: 28/03/2019

» End Date: 28/03/2019

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 768737


AIMPLAS, Plastics Technology Centre

+34 96 136 60 40